You will not read this blog post.
There’s no chance.
No matter how snappy I make this post, without something graphic in the copy of the post and a bloody murder headline, or a big nasty picture, or something directly useful or interesting to you, you’re not going to read it.
There used to be a time when a nice swift headline- a linguistic kick to the chops- was good for a click through or two, guaranteed. Click click, read read, and your site saw a small increase in traffic.
But now, the volume is turned up as high as possible. Every few minutes, another incredibly explosive headline splashes across the pages of large news sites, disseminates in bursts through the social media atmosphere and lands on the lips of every stakeholder attached to the situation.
And in a blogosphere fuller than ever of volume blogs and social media outlets screaming for attention, there’s no room for a little ol’ blog post that just wants some love from a few pairs of eyeballs.
The net is too fast, too furious, and too full for this blog post to fit in. Period.
It’s sad. But we don’t need any sympathy.
Know why?
Because RedShift Writers provides content writing that is friendly for people and search engines.
It’s all we do. Nothing more, nothing less.
So no matter what the topic of conversation is, we have strategies that will guide the reader’s eyes from the top of the page to the bottom of the page, from the headline to every detail to the bottom (where I am supposed to ask you to do something for my company).
And if we can get others to read the entirety of a page, we should (theoretically) be able to sell better.
That’s why RedShift customers thrive and RedShift will always survive.
If you want to learn how to write blog posts and other content that use reverse psychology to get readers to read to the bottom of the page, email us at [email protected].
(Or don’t.)
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