Build Credibility: Stories told by an Expert Case Study Writer

Be the champion that clients are seeking

Case studies show your clients that you are up to the challenge. They frame your best work, demonstrate expertise, and win business for your company. 


Case study examples can:


  • Inform
  • Build trust
  • Raise brand awareness
  • Introduce a new product or service
  • Validate your qualifications as a vendor
  • Show how you cooperate with your clients’ existing vendors to get the job done
  • Demonstrate your solutions to common industry pain points


Case studies pique the interest of your audience. They inspire your market to reach out for more information, and feel confident in choosing you as their vendor. 


Whatever your prospects’ needs are, our case study writers will show them exactly how you’ve helped similar clients achieve success. 


CASE STUDY: How RedShift Writers Helped a B2B Industrial Bolting Company Achieve Fame in the Market

Attract Customers With Compelling Case Study Examples: Advantages of Case Studies

The best case studies are personal. They inspire your clients to envision a future where their goals are being met by conveying stories that are informative, helpful, and concrete.

Has your company worked with an industry leader? Talk about it to demonstrate your trustworthiness and expertise. 

Have you broken ground on an entirely new concept? Capture it in a case study so people can see, step-by-step, how you are changing the world.

Leverage evidence to lend credibility to your claims. Solidify your brand as a leading voice in your industry. 

Case Study Benefits 

Case studies bring immediate benefits to your content marketing mix:


Generate leads

Immersive, rhetorically compelling case studies generate new leads. Good storytelling generates good conversation, and your case studies can establish a strong call to action that will inspire people to get in touch.


Frame client wins

Give readers a front seat to the retelling of your greatest victories. Where are your clients now? How did you impact the industry? What role did you play in your clients’ success?


Think outside the box

Show off your unique approach to solving problems in your field. Case studies differentiate your company from your competitors. 

Case studies can be especially powerful at demonstrating your ability to think outside the box when you provide several of them for comparison. A portfolio of case studies strengthens your public track record for success, instilling your image as a leader in the mind of the market.


Drum up publicity

Your accomplishments are newsworthy, and framing a recent success with case studies can be the perfect way to capture the moment. Whether you integrate them within a timely press release or blog, or dedicate a section of your website to case studies, they are a great way to get your story out. 


Impress key decision makers

Why should key decision makers choose you? Case studies answer that question. They can help you stand out from the crowd, and they are easy for decision makers to share and discuss.


Are you a decision maker who needs a case study of your own? Let’s chat.

How Our Case Study Writers Approach Projects

The RedShift Writers Case Study Process


RedShift Writers applies a methodical, proven approach to case studies to make sure your company’s voice shines through. Our team of writers distills what we hear into case studies that deepen the relationship with your reader to build trust. 


RedShift’s strategy is personal and collaborative. We work closely with your team to translate technical knowledge into easily accessible  narratives.


Step 1: Gather information


First, we gather all of the information we need. We interview your subject matter experts, existing or past clients, and marketing teams. We track down past content for review and analysis to see what worked and what can be reworked. We review any messaging and brand standards.


Don’t have established branding standards? We can help you write complete brand guidelines, or our team can help here too by creating mini-style sheets and case study campaign guidelines to ensure consistency across all case studies we produce.


Our case study writers also researches your top competitors’ latest case studies, news releases, and blogs to give your case studies that extra edge. We conduct extensive search engine optimization (SEO) research to determine which keywords will attract the most visitors to your case studies so we can incorporate those keywords into your content.



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Step 2: Outline Your Case Study


Every good case study needs a backbone, an outline to provide clarity and direction. Our case study writers develop sections, and arrange ideas, data, and quotes and then sort these to create a preliminary outline. As we work with you, we continuously flesh out the outline.


Step 3: Draft and Edit


Once we have a substantive outline, our case study writers write a full initial draft of the case study and carefully edit it before sending the product to you.


Step 4: Feedback


Our team will share our drafts with yours in a timely fashion so you can conduct a read through and fact check before returning the document to us for changes.


Step 5: Refinement


Based on your comments, RedShift will update the study and return it to you for approval again. This iterative process assures you are completely satisfied with the results. 


Step 6: Distribute your case study content


Your case story is ready for publication, your sales team is primed to talk to new clients, and it’s time to make sure everyone in your industry knows you’re the best at what you do. How do you get the word out?


Once the final product is ready, you can disseminate your case studies through your website, as a section in an eBook, as a supplemental module for a presentation, as part of a speech, or in any other business setting you deem appropriate. After your case study has been written once, our case study writers can help you adapt the primary version to any other written content you might need.


GUIDE: Content Distribution Strategy Playbook

Case Study Structure

Case studies can run from a few paragraphs to several thousand words. No matter how long they are, case studies must be relatable.


Most case study formats include:


Client history


In most cases, you will explicitly name your client and provide some background on their history, size, and services. If a nondisclosure agreement prohibits this, it may be best to work up a case study for another client or to anonymize the data. 

Problem background


This section will thoroughly and clearly describe each of your client’s pain points and any other obstacles standing in the way of their success. By the end of this section, your readers should understand exactly why your client came to you.


How your company helped


This section is typically the longest part of a case study and must be the most precise if clients are to see why your company is the most qualified to address their dilemma. Outline which of your service or product offerings was applied in this case study example and describe its advantages thoroughly. Describe how you came to the decision to apply this particular solution as well. By the end of this section, your reader should be able to see exactly how this solution solves their problem.


Measurements of success


It isn’t enough to simply tell the story of how you applied a solution to a client’s troubles. You must also explain the outcome. This section of the case study could go into details such as profit or savings gained for the client, any new markets they were able to succeed in, new innovations or efficiencies, or recognition or awards achieved. 


This section will typically also include some form of explicit endorsement from the client. Quotes from executive level leaders are ideal. Letting a past or current client voice their appreciation as part of your case study can resonate deeply with readers.




A retrospective section wraps up your case study with a reiteration of the higher level points discussed in the case study and can even describe lessons learned during the case discussed. Additional endorsements can be provided at the end of the retrospective. Most importantly, however, this section will weave in a call to action and directly address the reader.


Case studies require creative storytelling and seek to connect with your readers at a personal level. For a case study to succeed, you must convince the reader that you understand their dilemma and have successfully dealt with similar situations in the past. 


You need to be a hero in your own case study, but your client needs to be a hero, too. 



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Connect with RedShift Writers for professional case study writing.

Whoever your target clientele are, you will need great writers to tell your story. RedShift Writers is a Houston based firm with nearly ten years in the industry. We work closely with our clients to produce individualized messaging roadmaps and content that truly tells your story. We are excited about crafting captivating case studies with you to draw in your clients and spark curiosity.


Get in touch with RedShift Writers today to unlock your company’s stories and take them to market.


Connect with us.

Alex OrianiCase Studies