Senior Content Writer Morgan Acree Joins Redshift Writers
Houston (November 15. 2021) — RedShift Writers is proud to announce the addition of talented content writer Morgan Acree to our growing team. Acree will take on senior content writing work and strategy for clients across various industries, including tech, healthcare, and social good.
“I’m where I want to be in my professional life. This has been a real shift from my previous work, and I am finding it rewarding. I am still building my voice as a writer, but it has been great learning and growing with others in the company. There are plenty of opportunities to develop my skills at RedShift, and working with fellow writers every day is fun.”
Acree is the second new hire in recent months for RedShift Writers, part of an overall expansion for the nine year-old writing firm. Thanks in part to Acree’s hard work, the team has been able to rapidly ramp up its capabilities this year.
“Morgan skillfully guides content strategy for companies,” said RedShift Writers Founder Daniel J. Cohen. “In addition to crafting compelling content for the businesses she serves, she understands how to design and implement a forward-looking game plan that leverages the calendar, search algorithms, and the strengths of our clients so they can achieve their goals. We are very lucky to have her.”
Acree comes to RedShift with an already impressive resume. She previously worked in the housing nonprofit world as a Community Manager and assisted those with lived experiences of homelessness as well as those with mental health issues, chronic illness, and substance use issues.
“I took on a manager position fairly quickly after getting hired, and I was comparatively pretty young. I was also in charge of writing notices. The job was often exhausting, and it definitely didn’t leave me as much free time, but it was all for a good cause. I was journaling a lot during that time. It was good to get my experiences down on paper and be able to flip to the next page and a new day,” she says.
The job came with other lessons and opportunities for growth too.
“As a young woman in a position of authority, I had to stand up for myself and establish boundaries early on. It was important to speak up, lead, and to be assertive. I came away from the job much more confident in myself,” she adds.
While RedShift is based in Houston, Texas, Acree recently moved from her longtime home of Austin, Texas to Laramie, Wyoming. Acree has three pets: Kiwi the pug, Birdie the mini-Aussie, and Ritz the axolotl. Ritz is much beloved by the RedShift team and serves as somewhat of a company mascot.

In her free time, Acree reads psychological thrillers and explores the great outdoors. She has camped and hiked in many local state and national parks.
About RedShift Writers
RedShift Writers is a content writing company dedicated to the principle that stories change history. We capture the spirit of who you are so you can build a relationship with your audience. Our content writing strategies help B2B companies outposition the rest of their market through powerful business writing that drives awareness of your brand. RedShift Writers also helps authors through all stages of the writing process from conceptualization to the final draft.
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Media Contact: Alexander E. Oriani
Creative Director, RedShift Writers
[email protected] // 832.671.8333